
Phalaenopsis Water Culture 7 Bulan Kemudian


Phalaenopsis Water Culture February 20-2018

Setelah melihat video-nya Samantha’s Orchids di YouTube tentang menanam anggrek Phalaenopsis dengan media tanam air (water culture), kira-kira 7 bulan yang lalu saya mencobanya. Sekarang masih hidup atau tidak?  Untuk kelanjutannya

Phalaenopsis Kokedama


Phalaenopsis kokedama
It is possible to grow Phalaenopsis orchids as kokedamas. Ours are blooming for the second time this year. The moss balls are quickly to get dry, so for those who are busy, this method may not be suitable.

Orchids 2017 – More Flowers


Cold and windy start of Spring. It is even snowing in higher places around Melbourne. More Cymbidium orchids are in bloom and quite a few are still in buds.

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Anggrek Phalaenopsis: Water Culture – Inspeksi Akar


Phalaenopsis semi water culture after roots clean up - August 16-2017

Ini hanya sekedar catatan pribadi tentang perkembangan memakai sistim ‘semi water culture’.

Menanam anggrek dengan ‘water culture’ adalah dengan media air. Tanaman ditaroh didalah gelas transparan dengan akar telanjang tanpa media tanam padat sama sekali. ‘Semi water culture’ adalah dengan merendam 1/3 akar dengan air selama 2 hari dalam seminggu dan 5 hari tanpa air. Sedangkan ‘full water culture’ adalah dengan terus menerus merendam 1/3 akar dengan air.

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Orchids Early Blooms 2017


So far it is only one Cymbidium orchid in bloom, miniature Cymbidium Artistic Impression ‘Snowdrop’ x Ruby Eyes ‘Red Baron’. It is having 3 spikes and the pretty dark maroon petals seem slightly rounded compared to how they looked last year when I bought it. Many others are still in buds with few will open around next month and others in September.

To continue

Anggrek Phalaenopsis – Semi Water Culture


Phalaenopsis Semi Water Culture 2 - July 18 2017

Kemarin ini barusan mengurus anggrek Phalaenopsis pemberian teman dan diganti media tanamnya dengan batu scoria. Pada waktu yang bersamaan, saya lihat anggrek Phalaenopsis kami yang berbunga putih yang tadinya tumbuh subur dan selalu berbunga, tiba-tiba daunnya mulai kelihatan layu berkerut, terutama daun bagian bawah. Biasanya kalau ini terjadi problemanya pasti pembusukan akar.

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Repotting Phalaenopsis – Scoria

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Phalaenopsis - repotted by using scoria July 13-2017

A friend recently gave me a phalaenopsis orchid to look after. After finished flowering she had no idea what to do with it. Actually, phalaenopsis is one of orchid species that I will not grow too many of them. One reason is that they have to be kept indoor here in Melbourne, and we do not have enough suitable space for them. Other reason is that they are very prone to root problems. Recently I tried to grow few phalaenopsis kokedamas, and it seem that they do quite well though the moss balls are easy to get dry.

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Phalaenopsis Kokedama


Just a quick update on the two Phalaenopsis orchids that have been grown on moss balls (kokedama). Now both are blooming nicely.





Phalaenopsis Orchids 2016

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Phalaenopsis - Kokedama small pink flowers.jpg

For me, growing Phalaenopsis orchids here in Melbourne is like playing a lottery. If I am lucky, I will win and they will grow with no hassle at all. But from how many I bought so far only about one third of them survive. Why? Read more…..

Kokedama – Living Moss


Went for a walk this morning and collected two varieties of mosses that grow along the ditch. One is very fine and velvety, the other is similar to sphagnum moss, coarse and trailing. I have no idea what their names are.

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