I have had Zygopetalum maculatum orchid for a few years and I love it. The blooms look unusual and have beautiful fragrance. Though the leaves are prone to black spotting,it does not effect the plant at all. To reduce the problem it is better to keep the foliage dry and give the plant good air circulation.

For some time I had tried to find another variety of this orchid, and the last time I spotted one in Collector’s Corner in Garden World. It was the only one available and I would not miss the chance to have it.

The tag says Zygopetalum Hollandra ‘Ever Springs’. The plant still looks very young with a short spike of three flowers. The colour and shape are slightly different from the one that I’ve already had. Hopefully, later on in the future both the plant and the blooms will be taller and bigger.

Zygopetalum Hollandra 'Ever Springs' Tag

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