Winter - July 2013

Winter – July 2013

What flowers are blooming this winter? The weather forecast has said that today will be nice to be out and about, but it will be wet, cold and miserable  tomorrow and few days afterward with a chance of hails on Sunday. So this morning I took the chance to take some pictures in our garden. Busy bees were buzzing around among the prolific Crassula and Leptospermum  Thryptomene tiny blooms.

Thryptomene saxicola 'F.C. Payne'

Thryptomene saxicola ‘F.C. Payne’

Crassula ovata - Starry Blooms

Crassula ovata – Starry Blooms

Hairy Hemizygia 'Candy Kisses'

Hairy Hemizygia ‘Candy Kisses’

Purple Flower - Tibouchina

Purple Flower – Tibouchina

Colourful Dwarf Nandina in Winter

Colourful Dwarf Nandina in Winter

Cymbidium 'My Sweet Amy'

Cymbidium ‘My Sweet Amy’


Top: Leptospermum. Bottom: Thryptomene

Note: We planted the small, slightly weeping bush (second photo above) long time ago. When I tried to identify it (forgot the name), I tossed between Leptospermum ‘Pink Cascade’ and Thryptomene saxicola. Leptospermum is one of  tea tree species, while Thryptomene is commonly known as heath myrtle. Both are Australian natives.

I noticed that Leptospermum flower petals are apart and the tiny flowers open flat. On the other hand, Thryptomene flowers have petals that are close to each other and form more cuplike flowers,. For this reason, I think that the one we have is Thryptomene saxicola “F.C. Payne’ with pink colour blooms. The popular Grampians Thryptomene (T. calycina) has white flowers.

Those who are expert in Botany can describe the differences between the two plants in a more scientific way, but as I am no expert, I just describe it in my own simple way:)